Too much sex in the beginning of the film. Just TOO much. I had to look away. I'm too much of a romantic for that stuff... The lead character is called Sofia and she's never had an orgasm. She's beautiful and has, it seems, payed for all the great stuff in hers and her husband's apartment. Her husband doesn't seem very compatible with her, and they just look wrong together to me. The movie makes him seem like a sex machine who doesn't earn as much money as Sofia and feels bad about it. The voyeuristic club that Sofia's orgasm-free life leads her to is colourful, vibrant and full of life (and sex). Sofia's pink lips and swirling black hair almost made me long to be chinese. The colours of the film were really amazing, and the shots were also many times really interesting. In the middle of the movie i was really into it all, i thought it was really great but then it lost more and more of its magic. The beginning was just too much, and then end was too little - but the middle was awsome. The lonely sex worker with her rich bastard teenage (?) client in a leach is the best character in the movie - she totally blew me away. I want to see a film just about her. Suicidal gay lovers with a neighbour stalker takes up a little too much time in the film for my liking. The gay male model's accent reminds me of Americans i've met. Masturbation on a fantasy (?) bench by the sea. Well...the movie did have too much full on sex in it. It just seemed like the director wanted to break new ground with sex as his weapon. But to me sex is about love.
Highlight: JD Samson :)
Movie's website (really cool design):