Two or Three Things I Know About Her

Godard sometimes bore me. This film didn't bore me that much. But it wasn't as good as "Masculin FĂ©minin". I LOVE the whispering narration of the film! Is it Godard whispering? The "industrial" footage and noise that reguarly appears in this film is something i've seen in other Godard films - "Sympathy for the Devil" comes to mind. THAT was a film that bored me to the extent of me not finishing it. "Two or Three Things I Know About Her" deals with french society in the 60's. The lead character is indifferent to everything it seems and earns extra money through prostitution. It appears to be a common thing for women in this film. Her husband and children seem to effect her very little - they are only background characters. She and other characters talk into the camera about the apathy and monotony of their lives. Life philosophies tainted by sarcasm and pessimism are my kind of thing so i like that aspect of the film. And as always in Godard films everyone looks great and so cool in their 60's clothes and haircuts.
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