House of Sand and Fog

Foggy nights with Jennifer Connelly sleeping in her car outside the house her father left her. 30 years of morgage payments. The footage of her on the pier looking at the dead bird floating in the sea & and of her spinning around in the pastel coloured afternoon. The love affair leading to a cabin in the woods. How could Kathy's husband ever have left her? I doubt i've ever seen such a beautiful house cleaner. It feels real and not like a movie. I feel scared of loosing everything just like Kathy has. I want to cry when she cries. My heart aches in my chest when she puts the gun against her head and cries loudly. Her lover got too involved and the innocent teenage boy dies. A policeman in jail. Kathy ends up not wanting what she faughts so hard to get back. She denies that it's hers anymore. What did she loose and what did she want? Thrown out of cheap motels without mercy. Why did he leave his gun in the trunk of her car? I wonder where she bought that white tunic like top. In awe of the colours, the tones of Kathy's voice. The lack of information about her past. Her family never showing up. When she gets thrown out of her house and tells the police that "there's no one" she can call. No friends to stay with, no family around to help. No one. She's being thrown out of her house by mistake. Not opening the mail for months in California. Such painful peace in that house. A beautiful foreign wife and all that tea. I wish the husband wasn't so strict with her. I wish he let her know what was happpening. Clues of a foreign land and all that fancy furniture. Saving money for the son's university education. But most of all....Jennifer Connelly on the pier. Wow.
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